Friday, February 13, 2015

Robin Redbreast & Snow Globe Sun

These days we folks in New England feels as if we're living in a snow globe that is being continuously shaken with an every increasing number of flakes that are making our world feel just a whole lot smaller.  So yesterday, while looking out my classroom window to gauge the latest falling snow, I noticed a bird on the wire on the roof across the courtyard. It wasn't one of the usual sparrows, ravens or red-tailed hawks , but rather a robin redbreast.

Now the bird not only sat there, but did so for a solid 7 minutes. It should be much farther south, as it's been so cold that lakes, ponds and even salt water harbors are freezing over, yet there it sat.

I was worried that maybe it was hoping for some of the berries that the sparrows had picked clean off the courtyard trees months ago. That maybe it was starving. As if to assuage my fears, it pooped not once, but twice on the roof across the way. It just kept looking at me, while I was looking at it and sitting there.

So I wondered why...why sit in the middle of snow showers on an exposed roof, with known hungry owls and hawks about and stare at a human through a window full of Valentines (I usually draw seasonal pictures on my windows. Until 10 days ago, there where evergreen trees and snow flakes, but I felt they were summoning the snow, so it was time for a new theme. One student had asked me if he could draw the next picture on my window, so I let him and thus the hearts, and proudly his signature). Hmmmm.

I remember reading various legends and myths about Robins when I was younger. How they not only bring about positive energy with their song, but being the bird associated with Spring, they have been considered spirit guides towards change and renewal. 

I've also heard that if there is an abundant source of food, Robins can live year-round anywhere. When they come to us in Winter it's supposed to be a lesson. That when our hearts and souls feel gloomy and cold, we are able endure by filling our hearts and souls with a can-do attitude and love.

Also if a Robin is your spirit guide it's supposed to represent the red of fire or a life force. If you're open to it, it can lead you through long testing periods towards an enlightenment.

So I sat and looked at the bird and it looked at me. The winter is testing my moxie. The Valentines are spotlighting the stagnation of my heart. The promise of Spring is inciting me to move forward creatively and spiritually.  I'll find my moxie, open my heart and create new path with words.

When I next looked up, the Robin had flown away and in it's place.....the Sun. Trying to show me the way forward.....through more feet of snow, through a Hallmark Holiday that tugs at my romantic nature, and towards the rewards of the daily practice of being creative. 

Good night, Robin Redbreast and Snow Globe Sun, G'night! 

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